Let's talk
Why use
You don’t have to! There are many Executive Search Companies to choose from, the market is flooded with choice. It comes down to people, if you call us and like us then you will work with us, if you don’t, well you will just never ever know! Most of our Clients however are long term relationships built on honesty, transparency and trust. See our Testimonials page for further reassurance on this one!
For Clients
We know that you are busy building teams, winning business and implementing strategy. We also know that this leaves little time for CV sifting, rejecting, contacting, interviewing, referencing… and then so often starting that entire process all over again. It’s a full time job…it’s our full time job, and it’s a full time job that we absolutely love to do. We will ask you the questions, find out what you need, what you would like, and what you absolutely do not want…that way we can deliver to you something that is as close as you would hope to find. Once we have agreed that we understand your needs, your timescales what you are aiming to achieve, we will set to work behind the scenes.
First and foremost you are people and we are too…so every assignment is different as every individual will work in their own individual way. For some this will be a desire to see a Shortlist within let’s say two weeks. For others they will be happy with just one Candidate presentation, providing this one is as close to the brief as required. We will work in which ever way suits you, we are flexible, willing and most of all excited about the prospect of working with you and helping you deliver your dreams.
For Candidates
We know you are busy, working, you may have families and hobbies that consume a huge amount of your time.
For you we will find out what your aims are, your likes, dislikes and dreams. We will ask you questions and build up a picture.
Once we are confident that picture is real we will speak to those companies you don’t have time or inclination to speak and reach out to yourself.
We have the connections, it’s what we do. Let us speak to them on behalf of you.
Take the first step – Upload your CV here